
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

random MSN chats which i find particularly _______(don't know how to explain it)

Well...why am i blogging at this particular time??simple...there are tons of people out there asking me to update my blog...(ahem..actually not tons la...maybe grams...).. i had nothing to blog, and they are asking me to blog, so i asked my friend...please tag me if you get the chance.....below is the extract of how to answer back the professional way.....

Me:o.O...and tag me if u get the chance....that will add 1 post
A: Cannot, tagging is cheating
Me:um...but tagging is a post,therefore,tagging=posting, so therefore, is posting=cheating??
A: But tagging is not really a post(this is what i think A typed...)
Me: but it is still categorized as a 'post'....

As you can see, i usually leave my opponent speechless....and that my friends(or enemies), is what you call professionalism!!...for more info, check out this me....

And if you're wondering what happened to the post where i will insult Aaron The Oo, please be patient...dealing with idiots is a very challenging task...especially when this one is a 'unique' half breed between an male and a female....

-The End-

oh wait....1 more thing...bye

-The End-

Oh wait again...good bye

-The End-