Well, thanks to the Human Development project, a team of 12 students including me were given the task of producing a video on any age group such as childhood, teenage life or adulthood life and so on.. So yea, we (my groupmates and I) will be releasing the video on Facebook tomoro after presenting the video in class=D. For those who come to class tomorrow, I hope you are well prepared=D, Bring your popcorns if you have to=). haha..the video, I have to say, took tremendous effort from producing, acting and editing=D. Glad that part is over!!.haha..damn, just so excited^^.
In other news, i'll be having my Accounts 1 quiz tomorrow and i'm barely prepared for it=D. haha...oh well, somehow I hope i'll manage it ;).
Hmm..oh yea..mid term coming in 2 weeks time^^. Hope i'll be ready for it in time=D. Good luck to me..lol..
Other than that, i'm glad to know that Malaysia seems to be improving a lot.=) For example, we take a view at the artistry industry. MizzNiza's collaboration with Colby O'Donis on the song "What you waiting for" is pretty good=). However, there is of course, more room for improvement..lol..=) and so do I. lol.haha..
well, till the next time=). nitez~
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