
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

TAGGED by Sara Leez cause i want it...-.-''


1.Why do you chose to be tagged anyway ?
-Because it's counted as a post???and um...i'm being urged to write a post.....O.o

2. Who is more important to you? Friends or boy/girlfriend?
-Obviously friends since i have no girlfriend....still single you see...haha...plan to stay that way for awhile

3. How often do you think of committing suicide?
-Let's see.....hmmm....1...2....3....4.....5....haha....joking la...elek la, takda.... commiting suicide is stupid cause no one gets the blame....if i wanna die, i'll make sure the person i hate most kills me cause then, he'll go to jail....see what i mean....if i commit suicide, he'll only enjoy to let him suffer.....XDXD

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
- enough confidence in???whether I have enough confidence of bombing an airport, then no....but confidence in going up to my most hated and annoying friend and call him stupid, lame, and everything that's come up in my mind point blank into his face??Yes..(this proves i'm a straight forward kinda guy)

5. How many babies you want?
-I don't even have a wife for god sake.....asking babies pulak...or do you mean babi??-__-''.....oh well, probably 3 babies?? 1 made of plastic, 1 made of metal and um....1 more baby will be made of...cotton wool??haha...

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
-um...yea...i've seen one before...question is, who hasn't??-.-''

7. What is your goal for this year? wash my school shoes at least once a month. yea...i know it's a challenging task, once a month is a lot you know...the amount of water and shoe polish wasted...and only to find on Monday, your friend steps on it...T.T...such a challenging task for mankind....i'm probably the last hope for mankind.....I should get a Dato' ship if I managed to achieve my goal..>.>

8. Do you believe in eternity love?
- yea, definately....sure.......eternity love towards roti canai....mmm....the dahl^^

9. What's your nickname??
-....only one, the one and only hockey stick~(don't ask why=.='')

10.What feeling do you love most?
-When I headshot someone in counter strike using a machine gun, namely B33( If you don;t know what i'm saying please play counter strike)

11. What are the requirements you wish from the other half?
-um...I want my other half to fulfil his/her other half??(namely my requirements...)duh..

12. Is there anything you wanna tell the ppl you hate ?
-I hate you??

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
-Probably not??...i've got better things to do you know....-.-''.....haha..just joking...sure la...(kononnya la>.>)

14. What does flying means to you?

15. What do you crave for the most currently?
- to finish this post and start my counter strike game....(since the creation of counter strike, killing has never been so satisfying...)

16. Who's hotter,Chace Crawford or Kevin Peake?
-um....who are they la??are they both gay???O.O..their names sound really gay you know...hmm...anyway, i'll say the one who has a higher temperature is hotter....obvious, no?

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 5 words.
-hmm.....a short rumusan it seems...>.>...well,...responds to my wishes well..haha^^

18. What do you want to do now?
- play counter strike while finishing this tag while eating chocolate and listening to music while waiting for an sms while checking my MSN....(multi-tasking)

19. If time were to rewind, when will you want it to be?
-where I wish to be...

20. What are your fear(s)?
-dying in counter strike...that's the end of my life....when you get shot, the blood oozes out like the watter fall called Niagara Falls...>.>..pain oh...

8 fellas tagged....

1.Thean Ming
2.Aaron the Oo
3.Seng Hoo
4.Joseph Chan
5.Su Yenn
6.Sara Lee...XDXDh..haha...kena tag again
7.Stephen Liew
8.Daniel Lim

(sorry for the retags, only have 8 fellas in my friends list....XDXD)