Anyway, i'll summarize what happened..It all began when I was on MSN, talking with Ruben..and he asked me out..yea..I know what y
ou're thinking but it's not a damn date k?..T
_T..(thought it certainly felt like one..=.="..)..So anyway, managed to go and his sis picked me up..this is where d screwed up part comes..=.-" i went in the car, mind you, it was when i entered the car and of course I couldn't see d driver..but it sounded like Ruben's mum so I said "hi aunty"..=.-"..babi d whole car laugh..see see it was Ruben's sister..=.-"
So when we arrived, that's about..a total
of 7 i anyway..we had to split because the tables were not big it was like Ruben's sis with her friends and the other group was me and Ruben(now it does sound like a date..=.-") we tok the upstairs part..where they had bbq and steamboat as well, but of course more expensive by a bit I suppose..anyway, decided to call Thomas so we called him in total it was
me, Ruben and Thomas..
After that, we took our food and stuff..started the steamboat and bbq..=.-" the part that sucked the most was when you had to pay extra 10 bucks for every 100g of wasted food..Because of this, we were careful not to take too much food..among the food, we had oysters(=.="), marinated chicken, jellyfish, sus
hi, non-marinated chicken, string ray, fish cubes, balls(no not those balls..I mean the balls you
ose round white stuff..=.-"..haha..god damn it sounds so wrong..=.-", ..yea...quite a lot more..haha..then Ruben..for some funny reason, took sooooooooooooooo much 1 sauce not enough..must take thai sauce, cili sauce, bbq sauce, oil sauce(lol), and another sauce of unknown origins.(-__-")..and he like took so much of those sauce..Then I was like..dei..if you cant finish this have 2 pay 5 bucks la!!..Ruben was like OMabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzG!!..=.-" we tried our best to finish it but of course
to no avial, so and Thomas came in..I poured the sauce in the steamboat and Thomas tried to evaporate the sauce by dumping it on the bbq plate..=.-"..Ruben just laugh ni..zzz...=.-"..haha..oh well, the soon after, THOMAS AND RUBEN RAPED THE ICE 1 go not enough..must take another round..=.-"..haha..all in all, it was a good evening spent..=)..Of c
ourse, all of us enjoyed ourselves..went back at around 11.30 or in all, the food was pretty good..the marinated chicken was excellent and the shih kebab sucks..(if that's what the call me, i'll refer to it as shit kebab!XD)...
Alright, next topic, I applied for MMU foundation in Management recently. Now, some may think it's a good action, some say it's dumb, b
ut it all comes down to the same thing, it's how you look at it.^^ i'll be going for the january
urse stays on Feb 1..since my bro is already there..i'm pretty sure things will go smoothly^^..wish me luck..haha..oh yea, when my bro's back, hopefully i'll try to make another home video..=P..hopefully it's gonna be good and funny like the last one..haha..maybe i;ll add more if it's already not lame as it is..
Anyway, I think it's time to mark the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new chapter in life..year 2010 here I come!^^..(see see on d 31 december 2009 11.59p.m i somehow pass away..-__-"..haha)
Till the next update^^
My latest art^^..ignore the GNWX..I took it from my graffiti community
U miss out my link.Haha.Anyway,wish you all the best in your foundation during january.See you at Youth Empowerment.
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