
Saturday, December 6, 2008

LTC-You know what it stands for....

Since almost everyone is not updating their blog on LTC, I guess I should be the one next to do it.

Well, it is safe to say, LTC did not just turn out smoothly but in fact, turned out to be a perfect blast.

So let's start with my family members eh??..

Thean Soong

Tiba-tiba je....LOL...
Joseph: give me a stupid/funny face.
Me: Um...ok
(if this ain't stupid, I don't know what is..LOL)

Coming from the pineapple under the sea,(that's were SpongeBob resides/house) Thean Soong is a SHORT boy with loads of crap inside his holes around my body. Each crap is unique since Thean Soong himself, is unique...XD..sudah Syok Sendiri..XD..haha..anyway, he has tried his best to do his duty that was given and had seriously enjoyed LTC to the extreme and is missing it right now..*sigh*..

Wifey: bakar Bakya

(The one wearing the pink shit)
>.>..macam tengok hantu je...swt..LOL..-.-

SpongeBob's mother. Hmm...although she is extremely quiet, she is actually very bising wan when you know her. Here's some proof:-

When we were in Lumut enjoying ourselves....suddenly, Bakya came to me with Sara.

Bakya: Eh, I've got something to say to you..(she was having the smily kinda emote..) what=.="...Um...I think
I know what you're gonna say..(even though I had no clue at all what she was gonna say..)
Bakya: I'm not a quiet person..>.>"...

(the reason I was so sarcastic as because I was half way posing for a photo...-.-"..sweat..)
P/S: Thanks Sara for telling her I tohu
ght she was a quiet person..owe you one..=.=..LOL..

Well anyway, I could see for myself that she can socialize a lot once you actually get to know her well..^^ I guess that it's safe to say, mission accomplished!!XD..In other news, she is also more of the introvert type, which means she listens more than talk, much the opposite of me though..LOL..but she can interact la...can see it.(",)

Daughter/advisor:Buy Su Yenn Boey Su Yenn

OKAY. HALT RIGHT THERE!! First, I need you to look at these pictures. And think, what is your first impression of her. LOL.

Su Yenn: I'm clever, smart, very responsible, HOT, short..yada-yada..
LOL..just joking..I forgot her exact words so I simply bang some crap only..^^

Su Yenn: If you think you are better than me, go pack your bag and balik kampung!
XDXD..haha...another joke there..LOL

As you can obviously see, she is enjoying herself MAJOR SS-ing in front of everyone..LOL!!just see her hand gestures and face expressions..LOL..siao really wea..haha...!!

LOL, actually she not SS-ing or anything la..just messing around with ya all..^^no offence ya..XD

One of my two daughters, she is well to say have enjoyed herself a lot during LTC eventhough she skipped a bit of family stuff but it's ok..she's the advisior, so sure got a lot of background stuff to do..^^ No worries..We all understand. Still, she did contribute a lot to the family, during family time, during talent time and so on. Just wanna say, thanks for everything yea^^!!!

Son: Adriann Kee Gee

Adriann Gee-Right bottom(On Min Jie's left)

One of my wacky sons. During the whole LTC, it could be clearly seen that he enjoyed it a lot. In fact, probably enjoyed it more than most of us. And most importantly, I noticed he mixed around with new friends (those in the picture). =D..LOL...3 cheers for you dude!( and no, he's not a relative of Benjamin Kee..he's a Gee..notice the difference please..XD)

Son: Dustbin danArvindan

The usual 'blur' look..LOL..macam kena rasuk only...>.>"..

Well, nothing much to say about this guy because I still don't really know him yet..hmm..but I still remember that time where we managed to get into a chat and he cracked a sarcastic joke and it was really really funny and we were like laughing away. haha...not bad for someone I just met and talked to for the first time..=) family bonding.

Son: Bear Ee Queen Beh Ee King

The one wearing the white shirt holding the yellow file
(don't ask me what I was doing..XD*trying to be Jalleh??*)

My son and my room mate for LTC. Well, although he too, might be one of those quiet people, he can really talk when you know him well. Apart from that, he is one hella of a good room leader..LOL..especially that night at 3.00 in the morning we decided to go out for a walk...when suddenly, RJ Kevin.....*ahem* will go to the next part now *ahem*..LOL

Son:HAIRvindran(RAMBUT!) Harivindran

The one wearing black shirt ( and skin also..=P)
sorry for the blur picture but it's OK cause he IS blur himself..=P

A very sarcastic friend/son of mine, we usually team up against Monil even though 1 of us is enough to make Monil's life as miserable as ever but as the saying goes, two brains are better than one, expecially when you're up against a monkey who had a bowl in replace of IT'S brains. =P. Throughout the LTC, he was one of those dudes I hang out with cause we sorta know each other before the LTC.(he and Jian Liang made the funniest sketch of all that day..XD..pushing each other for no reason at all...sweat la you fellas..XD

Son: KissWhore Kisor

Kisor: Indian dude in the white shirt in the middle.
*Thomas, stop introducing your drugs to Su Yenn please. She's still innocent (so she says)...
Why Stephen's face"

He is to say, the most responsible and mature son in my family. He thinks straight, smart, and fast. The reason: He is the um..the boss of St. John's Ambulance im SMI..something similar to Troop Leader for scouts...LOL...Whenever there's a problem, go to him and he'll give you the most logical solution for your problem. * He is also taller than me too FFS*

Daughter: Loo Siew Pau loo Siew Mian

Siew Mian- wearing black shirt while holding super-absorbent
*Eh Thomas, sesat mana??-.-*

Siew Mian: sayang..*Koy Yew please don't get jealous..LOL*XD

Another daughter of mine. LOL.. also my lady comm head..XD..During the whole LTC, asyik dengan Koy Yew only..haha...LOL..joking...Very cekap wan this daughter( like all my children).HAHA...hmm..not much to say..-.-"!

Son: Bark OoiMark Ooi

Mark-Wearing grey shirt with his usual blur expression. *I love you Timothy....* Melvin's tongue is sticking out..he's lookig at Timothy's *ahem*..O.O The Gayness!!!!ARGH!!!..XD

I must say, this son is really cekap la..cekap until cannot say anything la..I still remember that time during the 'family race' or 'amazing family'(not sure which one), we were against Doraemon family and when it was Mark's turn, this was what happened...

*the question is fake..forgot the real question but it's all in numbers so it doesn't affect the story*

the game is, Sara will say a simple equation, and you have to either +1 or -1 from that answer and shout it out before the other person does..see simple??no

Sara: 5 x 5

Mark: ter..ter...ter...ter...ter(kept on saying this while face pumping red and vibrating vigoruosly left and right)

Opponent:ter-wanty saiks(26 in chinese slang)

Mark:ter...ter...ter..(while head still red and pumping while vibrating)

Sara and the rest:...swt..-.-'*splash water at mark*


Me and Terence: WAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!HAHAHAH!!!KAKAKAKA!!AAAHH!! *we both laughed non-stop while moving body up and down while clutching stomach*

Karen:*when she saw us*.........-____-"..(speechless)....sweat..*she had no clue what was going on unfortunately..*sigh* pity..LOL*

Me and Terence:HAHAHA*continued laughing*...LOL

As you can see, he is so freaking funny at times!!..laugh until need to tambah spring onion!!!STRAIGHT WILL COME!!!LOL...<--a bit SS at this part but SS-ing is a MAJOR habit of my family..XD

Son: MargerineMohd. Marjan

Marjan-the one showing the bunny fingers emote.
*Marjan is supporting Playboy at the moment..that explains his sudden craving for
the bunny fingers emote..XD*
*Hon Wai reacting after a coconut dropped on his head..*

Well, I must say, I didn't really mix with him a lot during LTC...hmm..wonder why..=/..Anyway, i'm pretty sure he too, as everyone else had an unforgettable time.( it's true you know..proof: how many times have you seen Marjan promoting Playboy?XD)

Son: Stephanie LiewStephen Liew

Stephen-Wearing white shirt holding a booklet.
And yes, I know what you are going to say; ie. What is a small boy doing
at LTC??..
Well, to my horror, this small boy is actually 16 years old. * I believed he
appeared on Ripley'sThean Soong's Belive it or not*

But. This small boy has a hidden power. He can summon people off their seat easily
Stephen:Rise all maggots, rise~!

And rose they did*swt including me*

Not to be mistaken for a dwarf(letting you know cause many people tend to), he is as a matter of fact, the shortest in the family (heck, even my pet dog's taller than him.). Well, turth be told, he one's of those only people left in the world who can overcome me in sarcasticity. joke..short people are good in sarcasm=).*proud to be short..XD*. Well, quite frankly, he was one of those many happening people during LTC. *ahem* 3 bintang all....=.="

Son: Dancing LiangTan Jian Liang

Jian Liang-wearing red shirt..duh=.="..
*double promoting Playboy..>.>..*
don't know why all my anak go nuts over Playboy..sweat..haha

Quite frankly, I didn't know who he was until LTC. =.="..nothing much to say about him either..Although, I must say he did one hell of a good job during the sketch..(the one with Hari where they both pushed each other for no apparent reason..=.="). Anyway, next!

Son:Thomass LiewThomas Liew

Thomas-Wearing black shirt, oops..I mean white..*could have easily mistaken him
for a female..=.="..what?..i'm just saying..*possibilities are high*joking*
And no, he's not batman or superman or hitman. he's HUman..

Thomas, 1 of my longest lasting friend. We've been friend's for 9 years I think..=.="..more than half my life..LOL..So anyway, during the whole LTC thing, he has been very good acting as David Caruso<---the dude in CSi Miami which I think is a complete wannabe (no joke). And um...he's taller than me..=.="..*well at least i'm taller than Stephen!*..XD Not Forgetting:~Family Mascot.

The Gay mascot~SpongeBob Sq. Pants.
And don't ask me whats inbetween his legs..
it's just God's everyday creation..=)..XD
It was bought for 5 bucks.
Mascot as explained by Stephen:"
When you see it, you'll shit bricks."

Adopted off the shores of Teluk Batik, this mascot orginates from the Pineapple Under The Sea. SpongeBob probably went for a stroll on the beach. Unfortunately, it probably lost it's way back and has henceforth been seen shores on Teluk Batik from time to time. It had lost all hopes of returning back to it's sweet and sour pineapple house. However, Thomas, a tall gentleman, used his knowledge obtained from LTC to help the walking talking sponge back on it's feet and gave it hope once again. Don't believe me?..check this out.

Sponge: Thanks Thomas!!
Thomas: No Problem!!Safe journey back!!
Thean Soong: um..isn't that thw wrong way back to it's home?...
Thomas:..oh...I think you're right..oh well.
Thean Soong:...May it R.I.P

But always remember. This Sponge makes you shit bricks, so if u happen to shit bricks when you come face to face with a sponge. It's SpongeBob. no mistake in that=).


Son-in-law:Josephine ChanJoseph Chan

Joseph-White shirt
*A picture says a thousand words, and one of them is,
stand with a kayu, and you become kayu too.*
*O.O...look at me behind there hanging my tag on my ears..XD*

One of my only so-called son-in-law...HAHA!!..XD..*they seriously look very kayu*..haha..*ahem* must be serious..cannot always joke around. There are times where we must be serious and not have fun.*ahem* Joseph taught me this*ahem*..haha..XD..still wondering..why suddenly they so high ah??..=.="...there doesn't appear to be a reason for this unless they are somewhat gay, which I pretty much doubt..=.="..

Family Photo???HAHA

*Su Yenn: can;t stop simply cam-whoring us ah??..*
*Jian Liang:precious...the one tag to rule them all...*
XD..all are jokes..hahaXD

Phew! family thing done..still have a lot to up will probably be about the games so stay tuned people!!XD..

-The End-

Sorry to keep you guys waiting..WoW is addictive..>.>..haha


Joseph Chan said...

LOL , all the photos are from ?...
*cough* copyrighted one u know xD

Thean Soong said...

haha...why didn't say earlier.=.="...your pasai!, not all Ok..most from some imported from Stephen's and Joshua's blog..blueek..XD

Joseph Chan said...

Lol nvm at least u wrote bout me =.=..but *cough*, i din tell u bout be serious and not have fun , is be serious and not playful....BIG SWEAT !

Thean Soong said...

=.="aiyah, same la..XD..haha=.="..u oso ss..wrote about you..haha..couldn't miss out 2 kayu's in 1 picture..XD..

not have fun=not playful


Karen said...

yo..nice post on ur family...hehez...aikz suddenly my name there so you all were laughing at that ler...hehez...

Thean Soong said...

=P...if not laughing at wat la?..laughing at you ah??..don't so SS and perasan..haha..XD joking..
and thanks for the comment..XD

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